Conference Blog

Based on the positive reception of the blogs for the NAACL 2018 and COLING 2018 conferences, the NAACL-HLT 2019 website also includes a blog that will feature posts from conference chairs & invited guests. Links to all posts are listed below in chronological order. Each post includes a comment area for readers to share their thoughts.

Installment Loans

7 minute read

Installment Loans | July 08, 2023

The Advantages of Installment Loans.

Student Loans

10 minute read

Student Loans | April 27, 2023

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Managiang Student Loans.

Understanding Mortgages

8 minute read

Mortgages | April 26, 2023

A Guide to Financing Your Home.

The Ins and Outs of Personal Loans

4 minute read

Personal Loans | April 25, 2023

Everything You Need to Know.

Auto Loans

5 minute read

Auto Loans | April 24, 2023

Everything You Need to Know Before Financing Your Next Car.

Alternative Loans for College Students

2 minute read

Program Co-Chairs | August 06, 2018

Find ways for funding college studies.

Careers in NLP Panel @ NAACL-HLT 2019

less than 1 minute read

Industry Track Co-Chairs | March 30, 2019

Complete a survey to share your questions with the panelists.

Why Pronouns?

2 minute read

Cassandra L. Jacobs | March 13, 2019

This year at NAACL, pronouns matter for inclusion.

In Memory of Jan Wiebe

24 minute read

Rada Mihalcea | March 12, 2019

A tribute to Jan Wiebe from friends, students, and collaborators.

AI Transforming Financial Services

2 minute read

Program Co-Chairs | March 03, 2019

Find ways for funding college studies.

Remote Presentations

1 minute read

Remote Presentation Co-Chairs | February 26, 2019

NAACL 2019 will offer remote presentations.

Call for volunteers

1 minute read

Program Co-Chairs | August 06, 2018

Volunteer yourself or friends and colleagues to be a reviewer or area chair.